Biblical Cosmology

The purpose of this documentary is not to provide scientific, practical, or Biblical evidence against heliocentric doctrine. But rather, to trace the presently raging cosmology dispute back to its ancient heritage.

Join Chris Sparks as he reviews the hot political and religious climate in which heliocentrism was reborn. Discover whether it was more than love for science that motivated the medieval hierarchy to push Copernicus’ new theory. Investigate the lesser known facts about the celebrated champions of sun-centred cosmology, their powerful associations, and their hidden obsessions.

Gathering the threads that tie the key players together, Heliosorcery follows the development of the evolution paradigm, marking the dramatic effects it has had on the worldview and character of our culture, and raising the question: Who benefits?

The very first verse of the Bible has challenged Bible students for generations. The controversy is particularly prominent in our day when theistic evolution is becoming increasingly popular. Is Genesis 1:1 part of God’s 6 day creation week? Or did it take place billions of years before? Does the verse belong to day 1? Or is it simply an introduction or summary? Join Bill Pinto as he explores these questions alongside the spiritual lessons Genesis 1:1 contains.

What do we mean by 'Biblical Cosmology'? Scripture describes our earth, its face, its pillars, and the firmament. If we were able to behold these descriptions, what would it look like? What is above it, below it, and all around it? This video shows us a view of Biblical cosmology, faithful to Scripture.

Does the Bible really teach a geocentric cosmology, or could it all just be a matter of perspective? Joshua Baines tells the story of his personal journey to Biblical cosmology.

Bill Pinto's address to Restitution Ministries on the topic of the shape of the earth. In it, Bill outlines his Biblical reasons for believing in a flat, stationary earth. He also addresses the Spirit of Prophecy statements in regards to this topic.

In this three-part series, Chris Sparks explores the significance of the heliocentric globe in the great controversy between truth and error. Part 1 begins with a brief outline of Hebrew cosmology, followed by an analysis of the men responsible for bringing the heliocentric theory to the world.

'Truth Out of Lies' is the third and final part in The Cosmology Conflict Series given by Chris Sparks. In it, Chris shows how the unmasking of Satan's lies and deceptions (such as the moon landing) leads men to a knowledge of the truth.

Can John's vision of the heavenly city--New Jerusalem--be harmonised with the heliocentric model?

2 Timothy 3:16 reveals that "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:" The flat earth and the geocentric model are founded firmly in Scripture, and are therefore profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction in righteousness.

At the death of Christ, the character of Satan was clearly revealed to the angels and unfallen worlds. Yet it will be through the final generation of God's people--who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus--that God's character of love and mercy will be fully demonstrated. And what commandment will shine as the great test of loyalty to God at that time? To remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. As the memorial of God's wonderful work of creation, the Sabbath of the fourth commandment will be preached more fully than ever before. For it will be reinforced by the revelation of what God made in Genesis chapter 1: heaven, earth, sea, and the fountains of waters.

What did Paul mean when he said: “we have this treasure in earthen vessels”? Utilising the power of anecdotes and illustrations, Bill Pinto explores what is represented by the phrase earthen vessels. The focus then shifts toward the relevance of Biblical cosmology today. For it was due to this message—agitated among us almost two years ago—that Earthen Vessels ministry began.

On the first day of creation, God said, 'Let there be light'. So in this night of spiritual darkness, the light of God's glory is to be both proclaimed and revealed in the lives of the 144,000. Earth's history will close the way it began. The light of God shining forth out of the darkness, preparing this world for its glorious recreation.

Citing an atheist scientist, a Christian scientist, and a Catholic astronomer, Bill Pinto explains that if one interprets the creation account of Genesis literally, then they have no choice but to become a flat-earth advocate. This is highly problematic for Sabbath-keepers who claim to believe in the literal six-day account of creation, yet also uphold the model of a spinning globe.

What is the firmament? And where is God's throne? Insights from the parallel visions of Ezekiel and Moses, paired with words from the Psalmist, provide a remarkable and heart-warming message for the inhabitants of earth. And yet all these beautiful passages lose their resonance when viewed in light of a spinning globe.

In this straightforward review of Genesis chapter 1, Brother Tom Pinto determines once and for all whether the single account of creation given by God teaches a geocentric or heliocentric cosmology.

Chris Sparks examines the lives and works of Galileo, Kepler and Newton, showing from their own writings their involvement with the occult, which served as the inspiration for their discoveries. Part 2 further explores the globe theory in relation to the workings of the Jesuits and the counter-reformation.

The scoffers of 2 Peter 3 represent a very particular class of people living in the very last generation. Within this prophecy is hidden specific details that allow us to pinpoint exactly who this class represent. More importantly, Peter identifies the Biblical truth which these professed believers choose to ignore, and that ultimately results in their downfall.

This sermon examines the history of Babylon and its originator Cush, the father of Nimrod. What's interesting is that Cush (the son of Ham) is known by the Greeks as Hermes, for his name (khem-mes) means son-of-Ham. Does this name ring any bells?

Theistic evolution is not only the official position of the Catholic Church, but it is also taught at the majority of Protestant seminaries. For some, this is outright bewildering. How did an evolutionary theory become so widely accepted throughout Christianity?

The third angel’s message--to worship the true God; the Creator--is to be given to the world today. Yet we are living at a time when there are two diametrically opposed views of what constitutes God's creation. Not only that, but the prevailing view is utterly at odds with Genesis chapter 1. However, if God is admonishing us to worship Him as Creator, and there are two opposing views of creation, then wouldn’t He make the true creation known?

The phrase "heaven above, earth beneath" is found in many passages of Scripture. This phrase reiterates the Hebrew conception that heaven is vertically above the earth. This can only make sense on a flat earth. On a globe, the direction vertically above could be any which way, since 'above' is relative to where a person is standing.

Tom Pinto poses a challenge to Seventh-day Adventists to accept Sister White's clear statement that her understanding of cosmology (whether the earth was flat or spherical) was not included in the commission Christ had given her.

Tom Pinto continues his appeal to Seventh-day Adventists to base every point of their faith firmly in the Scriptures. Using stories from the Bible to back up his position, Tom once again urges SDA's to re-examine the globe statements of Ellen G. White in light of the clarification that an understanding of cosmology was not included in the commission Christ had given her.