Throughout his career as Moses’ minister, Joshua displayed distinguished valour and unwavering loyalty. Yet before his death, Moses still had a message for his most trusted officer. In the sight of all Israel, Moses charged Joshua: ‘Be strong and of a good courage…
The Love That Endures
According to First and Second World War veteran Bernard Montgomery, ‘the morale of the soldier is the most important single factor in war’. The celebrated field marshal states that ‘[the soldier’s] home, his upbringing, and his historical tradition’ are of immense importance, being ‘fundamental factors which affect the morale of the soldier and lead to success in battle’…
The Shepherd’s Observation
How Is It That Ye Do Not Discern?
The Greek word 'hypokrites' means ‘an actor’ – someone who pretends to be someone or something they aren’t before an audience. As a depraved Hollywood movie star might play the role of a virtuous hero on the silver screen, the scribes and pharisees assumed the roles of pious spiritual guides. While they failed miserably in their job description, these religious leaders were adept meteorologists…
Be Ye Angry, and Sin Not
The English words ‘emotion’ and ‘motion’ both stem from the Latin root ‘movere’, meaning to move. As oxygen is necessary to vitalise blood and muscle, emotion is vital to rouse a man to action and spur him on with zeal to accomplish the task at hand. Indeed, man has been granted a broad spectrum of emotions that he may be animated for every circumstance. And these emotional endowments would be deficient without the essential quality of anger…
Beware Lest Any Man Spoil You
Roman scholastics of the Middle Ages were steeped in heathen philosophy. These doctors of theology justified their predilection for paganism by the maxim that ‘philosophy is the handmaid of theology’. Romish schoolmen did not originate this sentiment but had received it as an inheritance from the schools of Alexandria…
God Hath Tempered the Body Together
At the opening of the 16th century, the people of Germany – and Europe at large – were stuck fast in a quagmire of Romish superstition. Perceiving the soul peril of their congregations, well-meaning priests sought reform by gentle means. But stopping short at a direct confrontation with the hierarchy, such attempts were in vain. A more brazen effort was needed…
Righteousness Exalteth a Nation
But To Us - Part 2
But To Us
A Man Set Under Authority
The Roman centurion was the backbone of the Roman army. Renowned for its organisation, the Roman military was divided into legions of 5000 men, with each legion under the command of a legate – a politician appointed to duty by Caesar. Being largely inexperienced and incompetent, legion commanders relied heavily on the advice of their centurions…
Add Thou Not Unto His Words
Fathers, Provoke Not Your Children to Wrath
Over the course of a long 175 years, Abraham was blessed in everything he undertook. He obtained great wealth as a shepherd and cattleman. He was distinguished for valour when called to take up sword against four kings who had taken Lot prisoner. But neither his diligent thrift nor gallant swordsmanship were the subjects of compliment by Jehovah...
Lead Us Not Into Temptation
Do Christians Need to Keep the Commandments?
I Come Quickly
A Good Name
An Eye For an Eye
In an attempt to incite sedition against Heaven, the schools of higher criticism have attempted to point out contractions within holy writ. Seizing upon the spiritual teachings given in the sermon on the mount, such make out that the teachings of the New Testament are at variance with that of the Old. Arguably, the most commonly used hook that cavillers use to hang their doubting hats upon is Mathew 5:38...
Beware of Wandering Stars
The short but powerful epistle of Jude is a warning concerning false teachers. According to Jude, ‘certain men crept in unawares’ to the apostolic church – men who were seeking to corrupt ‘the faith which was once delivered unto the saints’ (Jude 3-4). In verse 13, Jude compares these deceivers to ‘wandering stars’...