The Godhead
What is the meaning behind Sister White's vision of the iceberg? More specifically, what are the distinguishing features of the ship that goes through?
How important is the Godhead question? Regardless of doctrinal convictions, many feel content to remain with the corporate church. Can this position be harmonised with Scripture? Join Bill Pinto as he answers these questions and more.
Join Bill Pinto as he dives into the context of 1 John 5, and uncovers an underlying principle that blatantly opposes the doctrine of the trinity.
There is at least one striking similarity between the SDA leadership of our day, and the Jews who chose Barabbas in Christ’s day. Join Tom Pinto as he pinpoints the act which changed the course of the church, both then and now.
Bill Pinto analyses two popular objections to the Father and Son message. These objections are drawn from statements found in Ellen G. White's book The Desire of Ages.
What is Arianism? Did Arius believe that Jesus was a created being? What took place at the Council of Nicaea? Watch this short video to discover what the real controversy was all about!
Who is the third person of the Godhead?
In this sermon, Bill Pinto answers a common objection derived from a passage in The Desire of Ages, page 671. Within this oft-quoted statement lies a powerful truth about the Comforter.
A deep dive into into that climactic day on Mount Carmel, which reveals what the Elijah message truly represents.
As divisions over doctrines escalate, it must be asked: Who is God’s true church?