In Part 1, Bill Pinto unveils the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation and highlights their relevance amidst the current world crisis.
In Part 3, Bill Pinto clearly identifies who the beast power is.
Chris continues where Bill left off with a 3-part series on The Image to the Beast. In part 1, Chris explores the historical fulfilment of the beast in Revelation 13 which comes up out of the earth. This second beast looks like a lamb and yet speaks like a dragon. It’s a power which causes all nations and peoples to worship the first beast. Chris points to the only nation which fits the bill, and explains what is meant by the lamb’s call to make “an image to the beast”.
We have been warned that in the last days, the beast from the earth will "do great wonders" and "deceive them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles". While the specific nature of those miracles is yet unknown, Chris Sparks explores how US government policies; agencies such as NASA; and the new age movement are all lining up for this final deception. Through a contextual analysis of Revelation 13, Chris shows that the performance of this deception will serve as the catalyst for the enforcement of the image to the beast. That is: a church-state government on American soil that will not only mirror the religion of Rome, but will impose her ruling across the entire world.
Bill Pinto looks at the common view held by the Advent pioneers on the topic of the sixth plague. However, holding to the principle that Daniel 12:1 is a continuation of Daniel 11:45, Bill explains why the drying up of Euphrates cannot represent the end of the King of the North.
It is argued that the world upon which New Jerusalem descends has no relation to the former earth. So much so that both the size and shape of the new earth may be entirely different. But did the prophets see an entirely foreign world when they beheld this scene? In this video, Chris Sparks reveals what is meant by the terms ‘new heaven’ and ‘new earth’. Through an investigation into the prophetic timeline which connects the end of this world and the establishment of New Jerusalem, the process of earth's renewal will become clear.
Is the gift of prophecy exclusive to the Biblical period? Or will there be prophets in the last days? To answer these questions, Bill Pinto turns to the writings of the Bible prophets themselves.
Bearing testament to its divine authorship, the 11th chapter of Daniel foretells the history of this world. Now we are living at a time when the final verse of this chapter is soon to be fulfilled. It's a prophecy you would not dare to miss.
This world is soon to close with fearful judgments. But the seven plagues that precede the Lord’s coming are not random; within each of these awful calamities is a specific rebuke to the sins of those they come down upon.
In Part 2, Bill Pinto examines the identifying marks of the beast as given in Bible prophecy.
In Part 4, Bill Pinto reveals the mark of the beast and how to avoid it.
In part 2, Chris analyses the paradoxical nature of the beast which has the appearance of a lamb and the voice of a dragon. Chris also uncovers the occult symbology utilised in the great seal and architecture of America in order to show how its relationship with the beast was in place from the birth of the nation. The message concludes with an astounding visual depiction of the 'image to the beast' alongside insights from ex-Jesuit priest Alberto Rivera.
Many seriously question the narrative, and many a Bible student is asking: could this be the mark of the Beast? The key to breaking the enigma is at hand. The Bible supplies many more identifying marks that are simply not fulfilled by an injectable elixir.
This in-depth study of the sixth plague reveals striking parallels between the Eastern king Cyrus and the King of Kings Jesus Christ, who will make His return from the East. History testifies that Cyrus conquered ancient Babylon--which dwelt "upon many waters"--by drying up the great River Euphrates. And so spiritual Babylon--"the great whore that sitteth upon many waters"--will be met with irreversible defeat when the spiritual river Euphrates is dried up at the sixth plague. It is this event which makes way for the "Kings of the East", the battle of Armageddon, and the first lake of fire. And thus it is asked: What does the River Euphrates represent? What does it mean for this spiritual river to dry up? And who is represented by the "Kings of the East"?
Is a secret rapture in the Bible? What dangers befall the Christian who holds to this position? Join Chris Sparks as he examines the teachings of pre-tribulation rapture advocates. By tracing this doctrine back to it’s counter-reformation origins, you will discover what, or who, this teaching was designed to hide.
There are a multitude of interpretations of the 70 week prophecy. Sixteenth century Jesuit scholar Francisco Ribera asserted that there was a large gap between the 69th and 70th week of the prophecy of Daniel 9. Modern dispensationalists have picked up this Jesuit reckoning. Such claim that the final week of the prophecy details the reign of antichrist, who, according to them, is yet to appear. But as the Protestant reformers recognized, this cannot be the case. Join Bill Pinto as he expounds upon the 70 week prophecy of Daniel 9 and its connection to the 2300 day prophecy of Daniel 8:14.
Join brother Bill as he traces the lineage of the great nation that arose from the loins of Ishmael, the rise of the religion connected to this son of Abraham, and the pivotal role his descendants will play in the final events of Bible prophecy.