And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. Matthew 24:12-13
According to First and Second World War veteran Bernard Montgomery, ‘the morale of the soldier is the most important single factor in war’. The celebrated field marshal states that ‘[the soldier’s] home, his upbringing, and his historical tradition’ are of immense importance, being ‘fundamental factors which affect the morale of the soldier and lead to success in battle’. Stressing that a soldier’s moral character is crucial to his effectiveness, Montgomery states, ‘No matter what may be instilled into him in the Army, the soldier will retain his individual character’. Furthermore, Montgomery affirms that it is in war that the true efficacy or incompetency of a soldier is revealed:
ln war the moral stature of some men increases, and their characters grow stronger and more closely knit in proportion to the discomforts and dangers they are called upon to face. Such men will occasionally perform in battle remarkable acts of selfless courage and daring, and will endure with extraordinary fortitude and patience the burdens thrust upon them. Other men, however, will under the stress of hardships or dangers surrender to fear or fatigue and will allow their characters to disintegrate. Morale In Battle: Address Given To The Royal Society Of Medicine. Field-Marshal Viscount Montgomery, 1946
As two classes of soldiers are revealed in the heat of worldly war, so two classes of Christians are made manifest in times of persecution. One of Apostle Paul’s trusted ‘fellow labourers’ was Demas (Philemon 1:24, Colossians 4:14). While this brother endured hardships alongside the great apostle, and even accompanied him during his first imprisonment in Rome, the same forsook Paul in the hour he needed him most. When it became clear that Paul was soon to seal his testimony with blood, Demas evidently feared for his own life and fled. Heavy with grief over the desertion of this veteran standard-bearer, Paul lamented to his beloved son Timothy:
Do thy diligence to come shortly unto me: For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is departed unto Thessalonica… 2 Timothy 4:10
2 Timothy is believed to be the last letter Paul wrote, and it is uncertain whether Timothy made it to Rome before Paul was beheaded by order of Nero. As Paul was forsaken by Demas in this trying hour, so will many betray their brethren in the soon coming time of trouble. Of this great trial into which all the professed people of God will be plunged, Jesus prophesied, ‘Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake’ (Matthew 24:9). Under these severe afflictions, many will, as Demas, betray the sacred trust committed to them. ‘And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another’ (Matthew 24:9-10).
Moreover, Jesus reveals that it is hostile circumstances that cause these flourishing professors of religion to abandon the faith: ‘because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.’ Iniquity is lawlessness. God’s withdrawal of His spirit from the world will result in the complete breakdown of law and order in society. With nothing to restrain men, theft, murder and all manner of crime will overspread the earth. But worst of all, the governing powers will cease to protect God’s commandment-keeping people, being fully given over to Satan as his instruments of persecution.
When this storm of persecution bursts upon God’s professed, the love that many believers show for Christ, and the regard they express for His truth and His people, will wax cold. In exchange for their lives, those who have more love for this present world than they do for the next will betray their brethren and join the ranks of the enemy.
Whilst hope of worldly good still presented itself, Demas accompanied Paul on his journeys, even to Rome itself. In times of moderate hardship, he passed as the most loyal of Christians. But this all changed when the prospect of making a complete sacrifice became a reality. That Demas loved this present world was revealed, not in any lewd act or denial of truth, but in forsaking Paul when there may have been a risk for his own life. In this act of cowardice, Demas may have comforted himself that he was entitled to continue his religious experience in safety at Thessalonica. But by forsaking the citizen of heaven he was called to stand by, Demas demonstrated that his interests were invested in this world, and not the world to come.
The love that endures grows with every personal loss we suffer for the sake of Christ and His people. By the same token, when we selfishly resist the opportunity to suffer personal loss, our love for this world is magnified. While morale may be the determining factor of a worldly-war fighter, enduring love is the secret to success in the Christian warfare. Borrowing from the words of Montgomery, those that have cultivated this love will in times of persecution ‘grow stronger and more closely knit in proportion to the discomforts and dangers they are called upon to face…and will endure with extraordinary fortitude and patience the burdens thrust upon them’. It is the little personal sacrifices that the Christian makes in times of peace that shapes his willingness to make the greater sacrifices when war breaks out.
Christopher Sparks