Declaring the End from the Beginning

Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,
Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:
Isaiah 46:9-10

The true and only God – in the true sense of the title – declares that there is none else like Himself. To substantiate the fact that He is unrivalled by all so-called gods, the Almighty directs us to ‘remember the former things of old’ (Isaiah 46:9). In this context, God’s dealings of deliverance and His executions of justice are the things foremost indicated.

While the red sea crossing, the plagues of Egypt, and the destruction of Jericho are all mighty things to remember, two events take preeminence as warnings against the wicked. The first is the destruction of the old world and its wicked inhabitants by flood, and the saving of eight souls via the instructions given to Noah. The second is the raining of fire and brimstone upon the wicked cities of the plain, and the rescuing of righteous Lot by the hand of angels.

Archaeological evidence found the world over verifies the deluge, while the burned, sulphurous remains of Sodom and Gomorrah testify to the record contained in the most widely available book on earth—the Bible. In it we read that God not only forewarned of these events, ‘declaring the end from the beginning’ (Isaiah 46:10), but that God’s warning bearer ‘seemed as one that mocked’ (Genesis 19:4) to those that heeded not the warning.

Yet for men of the 21st century, what greater deliverance can be cherished than the Deliverer who was sent to set the captives free?

The advent of Jesus, our Messiah’s baptism, the character of His mission, and the year of His death and resurrection were all accurately prophesied in the Old Testament centuries before the events took place. The New Testament writers likewise made prophetic utterances which have met with striking fulfilment, such as the rise of the papal antichrist and blood-drunk character of his reign. The Bible is the sole book – among many that are claimed to be divinely inspired – that boasts such incredible prophetic fulfilment. This fact stands as the strongest evidence that there is none else like the God of the Old and New Testaments.

In light of the numerous fulfillments of prophecy and ominous warnings of things to come, it is a strange mystery why there exists a single man or woman who does not believe in, trust, and obey the Author of the Holy Bible. While ungodly men may comfort themselves that there is no reward for their deeds, and scoff that ‘all things continue as they were from the beginning’ (2 Peter 3:4), ‘the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity’ (Isaiah 57:15) declares: ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure’ (Isaiah 46:10).

Christopher Sparks