Hating Every False Way

Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way. Psalm 119:104

In the dimness of the evening, we are rendered partially blind. In our disorientation, we may perceive the outline of a serpent upon the ground. Upon the admittance of light, the serpent is revealed to be a harmless rope or stick.

While a man’s natural eyesight keenly perceives natural dangers, there exists dangers that only spiritual eyesight can pick up on. The understanding obtained through the precepts of God’s word readily exposes ‘the wisdom of this world’ for the ‘foolishness’ that it is (1 Corinthians 3:19). In the light of God’s word, the great learning of the world’s religious and scientific institutions are seen in their true light as ‘science falsely so-called’ (1 Timothy 6:20).

More than simply rejecting worldly wisdom, the precepts of God’s word cause a man to ‘hate every false way’. Soul-destroying dogmas like original sin incite a sense of loathing in his soul. False sciences such as heliocentric cosmology or allopathic medicine stir up indignation in his heart. Seeing that these inventions of sorcerers lead men away from God and destroy their lives, the one enlightened by God’s precepts is compelled to warn everyone he can to avoid them.

The good soldier of Jesus Christ does not take up a neutral position. Love to his fellow man emboldens him in his warfare against the deceptions of the devil, which he hates with perfect hatred.

Christopher Sparks