Knowest Thou the Ordinances of Heaven?

Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth? Job 38:33

While under heavy trial, Job began to question the equity of God in His dealings with men. By and by, ‘the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind’. God did not answer Job’s questions, but rather posed four chapters worth of questions to Job about the mysteries of creation. One question was:

Hast thou perceived the breadth of the earth? declare if thou knowest it all. Job 38:18

As it dawned upon Job that he had no hope of answering any of the questions about God’s works, he realised how foolish he had been to question his Creator.

Nature speaks of the unfathomable wisdom and glory of God. The natural inquisitiveness of a child – when shielded and guided by believing parents – will fill him with faith and adoration for the Creator of passing cloud, furry critter, and starry heaven. But if that same child is given up to the false education system of the world, their natural faith and wonder will suffer great insult (if it is not snuffed out entirely). ‘The prince of the power of the air’ fiendishly seeks to explain away the secret things of God by his faith-destroying pseudoscience, and substitutes divine morality with depraving, humanistic ideals.

To the unblinded eye, ‘God is love’ is written on every opening bud. And yet, a school teacher once stressed to me that flowers are not beautiful or fragrant for our enjoyment, but purely for pollination purposes. Satan clearly saw that ‘God is love’ could be covered by the selfish graffiti of ‘survival of the fittest’.

Further instruction which I received under Babylonian schooling was that the ‘law of universal gravitation’ flung our watery space ball into orbit just close enough to the sun to receive the benefit of its light and warmth. But the truth is that the hand of God ‘set the dominion’ of the heavenly luminaries over the Earth, and it is not ‘gravity’, but that same Hand which to this day upholds them ‘by the word of his power’ (Hebrews 1:3).

In our age of great ‘scientific knowledge’, men claim to have all the answers. But if someone questions me in regards to the ordinances or laws which govern the mechanics of the heavens, I would not venture to ‘declare [that I] knowest it all’. God’s question remains as unanswerable today as ever:

Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven?…

Christopher Sparks