The Blood Found in Babylon

And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth. Revelation 18:24  

When a killer shark or some other man-eating beast is captured, its stomach is dissected to recover the victims it has eaten. In a similar manner, ‘great Babylon’ will disclose her victims at the end of the world. And when she is ‘thrown down’, it will not be merely the blood of those beheaded for the witness of Jesus in the last days that are found inside her. Nor will it end with the blood of the saints who stood before the inquisition of the Roman church. While the bloody mixture found in her extends to the prophets – such as Isaiah who was sawn asunder by his own people – it does not even reach its extent with the likes of him. In fact, the blood found within Babylon extends beyond godly people, for in her will be found the blood of ‘all that were slain upon the earth’.

By this disclosure, Babylon is culpable for every murder that has ever been committed. As such, the system encoded under the symbol ‘Babylon’ must have existed since the first murder.

Cain was indeed a religious man, as he offered an unacceptable sacrifice to God. If Abel’s blood will be found in Babylon, then we may trace the conception of the system of Babylon back to Cain. The Pharisees of Jesus’ day, by their murderous designs against the Lord and other righteous, placed themselves with the world’s first murderer and therefore among Babylon:

That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar. Matthew 23:35  

Murders, like that committed by Cain, are often committed out of rage, jealousy, or greed. Governments send their men to slay those of other nations for the same reasons, only on a grander scale. Oh Lord, haste the day when Babylon is dissected before the world, and her bloody crimes are avenged!

Christopher Sparks