I Come Quickly

He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
Revelation 22:20

Four times in the book of Revelation, the Lord Jesus announces to His church: ‘I come quickly’. The fact that over 1900 years have elapsed since this promise was given does not abate its potency. Throughout the Christian era, this promise has sustained hope to the persecuted and destitute disciple, while at the same time, it has kept those who are better off poised and vigilant.

However, Jesus did not leave His servants in complete darkness regarding the long dark age between His first and second coming. While the seer of Patmos was assured by the promise of Christ’s imminent coming, John also received intelligence regarding a 1260 year period (538-1798 AD) in which the church was to suffer persecution (Revelation 12:14). Although time prophecies such as this were, to a great degree, ‘sealed till the time of the end’, the church was still given the symbols which were the key to understanding where they were on the prophetic road map. These symbols were decoded by those who obeyed God’s call, and prophecy continues to unfold to those who will obey His law today.

For the past two millennia, the words ‘I come quickly’ have been a call to action. Christ taught that we are to watch and work in expectation of His coming. He declared: ‘Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh’ (Matthew 24:44). Even if we are not alive to see Him coming in the clouds, we may at any moment be severed from among the living to meet Him who saith: ‘behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me’ (Revelation 22:12).

It is the foolish and evil servant who thinks he has time to waste in sinful indulgences, saying to himself, ‘My lord delayeth his coming’ (Matthew 24:48). Whether we live to see His actual coming, or pass away as did John, the sentiment of our heart must be, ‘Even so, come, Lord Jesus’.

Christopher Sparks