Historically, national armies went into battle under banners. One of the best known banners or standards was the golden eagle of the Roman legions. To the Roman soldier, the eagle standard was a symbol of national pride that was held up to direct him in battle…
The Apostle's Doctrine and Fellowship
Redeeming the Time
The Word was Made Flesh
The Lord Directeth His Steps
He That Doeth Truth
Live Peaceably With All Men
To Whom Will Ye Liken God?
It is a mystery why anyone would bow before a lifeless lump of stone or wood, however artistic it may be. While the pantheon of heathen gods may have had their originals in human beings, heathenism is ultimately nature worship; the various pagan gods either representing or presiding over natural phenomena…
The Knowledge of Good and Evil
I Make Peace, and Create Evil
Fables and Endless Genealogies
The enemy utilises a variety of means to destabilise and fracture Christ’s church. His more overt attacks upon the truth appear in the form of false doctrines such as a triune god or Sunday sacredness. Yet the serpent – who was more subtle than any beast of the field – often takes a less direct approach to great success…
The Doctrine of the Nicolaitans
The word ‘Maranatha’ is Aramaic and means ‘our Lord cometh’. ‘Maranatha’ appears only once in the entire Bible, and is often used by Christians as a cordial salutation. While the other salutations surrounding verse 22 are wholly joyful, the salutation of ‘Maranatha’ is, upon contextual examination, one of great solemnity…
The Sons of God
Grounded and Settled
To Him that Stretched out the Earth
The Purpose of His Manifestation
There exists in the world today countless divergences from the faith once delivered unto the saints. And the ultimate reason why these other gospels exist is because men love the world and its sin. To avoid conflict with worldly wisdom, literal truth has been substituted for allegorical interpretation…