Banner of Truth

Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth. Selah.
Psalm 60:4

Historically, national armies went into battle under banners. One of the best known banners or standards was the golden eagle of the Roman legions. To the Roman soldier, the eagle standard was a symbol of national pride that was held up to direct him in battle. The legion’s unity of action was concentrated upon this golden image. So invested were the soldiers in the eagle that they would often sacrifice their lives to prevent it from falling into enemy hands.

While these renowned standards were a source of comfort to the Roman soldier, their approach struck fear into the hearts of the opposing army, who would go to great lengths to steal away with these superstitious icons.

In symbolic language, Solomon describes Christ’s church as a terror-inspiring army with banners:

Who is she that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners? Song of Solomon 6:10 

Every soldier of Christ is ‘given a banner…that it may be displayed because of the truth’. The banner of truth is more terrifying to the legions of demons under the father of lies, and the cloisters of Jesuits under the man of sin, than anything else under heaven. For nothing is more terrifying to liars than the truth. While the standard bearer can be killed, the standard he has borne is multiplied and given to all that have beholden it without fear.

Brothers and sisters, display the banner given to you before all men, that we may rejoice together in the day that God avenges Himself upon every one of His slain standard-bearers.

Christopher Sparks