Dearly Beloved of the Father,
I don’t know if you heard about it yet, but suspiciously, the US CDC has suddenly given guidance that the C!9-fully vaxxed virtually no longer have to wear masks and can mingle generally. Here are some links below, and I have some observations on issues related to the current developments:
Concerns about different interpretations of disease causation
I understand from sincere responses to the current C!9-vax issue that the idea of the GMO spike protein pathogenic transmission is a difficult one for some to embrace. One of the main objections may be that such a hypothesis seems to support Germ theory, instead of the Terrain theory of disease causation. I would like to say that I do not pretend to be someone who has had the privilege of studying micro-organism behaviour. There are some with integrity who have that scientific experience, and where they can shed light on a situation, I am willing to learn, once it makes sense. Yet the truth is that God does not require such expertise from most of us anyway. God has given every person the capability to reason and observe from cause to effect, and for this we do not need to be scientists in order to learn lessons from God's book of nature. And certainly, we do not need to be scientists to take God's Word as an index to understand a bit of what may be going on around us, even now. If we are striving to be Christians foremost, we need not and should not be wedded to any particular theory of disease, because scientific men may have convinced us. The Word of inspiration should always be our ultimate standard of truth, dare I say, even in matters of science. Remember, at the end of the day, however persuaded, it is still a germ theory, it is still a terrain theory. Some theories may be more correct than others, but in the final analysis, they are still theories of men. No matter how esteemed they may be—Bechamp, Pasteur, Koch, Kellogg, or any of our contemporary scientific figures—they are just finite, fallible, imperfect human beings.
The standard I will continue to use for the understanding the laws of nature is the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy. And as far as I have studied of the Bible and SOP, I have neither found any fulsome endorsement of Terrain nor Germ theory. From what I have read, disease can be caused both by contagion and also by environment (terrain). I am trying to collate such references from inspiration in due time, that we may be able to share and evaluate among us. Please bear with me on that front.
I have also been made aware of the depth of scientific controversy, especially over the last century. Like many of you, I have read about the Rational versus Allopathic schools of medicine, and the Rockefeller overhauling of the worldwide medical apparatus today. I do see where the Germ theory has been used to build the allopathic system, from which drugs and vaccines have received the platform to do their baleful work. And I do understand that the medical hierarchy does deceitfully create the illusion of person-to-person disease transmission, when many times the cause of disease is the poisoning of the environment in which the people live. But I cannot say that because this certain Germ theory has been exploited by evil men, that the only choice I have is to yield wholeheartedly to the competing Terrain theory. I cannot place blind trust in any particular theory; I have to reason from cause to effect as to the evidence that is before me. And then submit that evidence to the instruction which inspiration can give me.
Applying Cause and Effect to the Testimonials and the Suspicious CDC Response
So if thousands of women testify that they suddenly had unprecedented bouts of bodily afflictions after coming into contact with C!9-vaxxed, with such bouts beginning at the very time the vaccine rollout began worldwide, I have to say (until compelling evidence can show me otherwise), I cannot help but believe that the C19-vaxxed possess something which causes these things to happen to the unvaxxed. I think that is a fair and logical assessment of the laws of nature, according to the testimonies given by thousands of people since December.
Now, bringing further developments into the picture, I am still more convinced in the direction of C!9-vax spike protein transmission. I do not rule out the role that 5G could play in all this either, but I am not going to be quick to dismiss pathogenic transmission. Because now you have the CDC (which we know is helping lead this satanic scientific agenda) declaring all of a sudden that in virtually every social setting, the C!9-vaxxed no longer have to wear masks. The only exception where the C!9-vaxxed are advised to wear masks now is in large crowds of strangers. What! Think about this. Why all of a sudden have they thrown out the mask mandates? Only about a third of the USA is “fully vaccinated”. Only about half of the adult population have received at least one injection. That is not “herd immunity”. Just a couple weeks ago the CDC was saying that all the protocols were still necessary, even after you are fully vaxxed. Almost an entire year they have mandated masks generally. They have admitted that the C!9 vax does not eliminate transmission, and that it does not prevent you from getting “COVID”. And I state again, the USA is nowhere near the coveted “herd immunity”. So now suddenly masks can come off? They are not following one iota of the “science” they claimed guided their previous protocols. We all know they are frauds. So there must be some alternative motive behind this move.
Here is my surmising. I believe the spike protein transmission is real and the medical tyrants know it. They know that more people are becoming aware of the harm being done by the C!9-vax, and more will refuse to take it going forward. They know that people are starting to make distinctions between the vaxxed and the unvaxxed because of what is going on. So what they have decided to do is create confusion by trying to make the C!9-vaxxed and unvaxxed no longer easily distinguishable. Allow the C!9-vaxxed to go around as they please; no masks. The C!9-vaxxed will mingle about with confidence and carelessness, because they think they are “protected”. But in reality they will be spreading the GMO spike protein far and wide, creating the very disease explosion which the CDC wanted in the first place. If anyone has a better reason for why the tyrants are making these moves at this time, please let me know. I am willing to hear other explanations which can tie all this intrigue together.
There is even a school in Florida who has gone public to say that the C!9-vaxxed should stay home away from the school, until they are proven to be safe. The ongoing reports of C!9-unvaxxed women experiencing suspicious symptoms triggered the move:
Beloved, I honestly believe the NWO orchestrators sense that the propaganda vax program is losing credibility with the world public. Even in little Jamaica, people are showing much skepticism. Without me even sharing these developments by word of mouth, I have already heard relatives and associates express that the C!9-vaxxed could pose a health danger to the unvaxxed. I was on public transport yesterday, and even heard a young man listening to the “Once Were the Living” documentary on his phone. I was thinking to reach out to him, but then I realized he had a Freemason (Square and Compass G) ring on his finger. I believe the Lord brought it to my attention. I do not trust those affiliations; I know what secret societies pledge themselves to. But the point is, these sentiments about C!9-vax apprehension are going around worldwide.
In Jamaica only around 100,000 of the approximately 3 million people have gotten 1 dose of the C!9 vax. That’s all. No one has gotten the two doses, and already skepticism is high. A prominent journalist died only after taking that first dose recently. The media and medical establishment here has tried to cover it up[1]; but I realized from online responses that the common people know it was the vax. Some foresaw the tragic demise from the very day the vax was administered. Very sad:
People worldwide are aware that the vax and the vaxxed are causing harm, and so the NWO agenda has to be thrust through before the whole thing falls apart. That is what I believe is going on. I thought it would take longer for more people to realize the destructive agenda, and I think the globalists did not expect such an aversion to their program at this early stage. And so they are early weaponizing the C!9-vaxxed by giving them free reign to move about unmasked and unrestricted. They hope to spread the GMO spike protein in order to harm as many people as possible. And probably they will activate the 5G towers they were busy putting up the past and previous. Do not be surprised if other nations start to give their C!9-vaxxed citizens the same kind of autonomy. They will find every excuse to scrap the “herd immunity” doctrine, and lessen restrictions upon the C!9-vaxxed. For the unvaxxed, however, they will keep more restrictions in place for the time being, in order to frustrate those on the fence to get vaxxed. They will follow the US CDC line.
Until proven otherwise, I still anticipate that sadly, many (possibly into the millions) will suffer and die from this C!9-vax agenda. If the spike protein hypothesis is strengthened with evidence, then some of the suffering could spread to the C!9-unvaxxed. But there is hope for recovery for the unvaxxed, as physicians like Sherri Tenpenny have observed clinically that even therapies like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectic actually work to bind and block spike proteins. For such information, see this video link, at time-stamp 49:17.
As to the C!9-vaxxed, if the mechanism of the vax is to induce the body to continually make this harmful GMO spike protein internally, then sadly, I do not see (other than a miracle) how any vaxxed can undo this process. People had fair evidence before them for more than a year. They had the Spirit of God to prompt them. They decided to believe men instead of God. We have to look at it along the same principle as the mark of beast— this is a practice run. When the merciful probation of God has been expired, the justice of God has to run its course. The Scriptures teach this principle:
Revelation 14:9-10 (KJV)>> 9And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,10The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb.
2ndThessalonians 2:10-12 (KJV)>> 10And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Like Judas, there are many who willingly and willfully follow Satan in the face of God’s warnings, only to dread their course after the results of their course become apparent. But their worldly sorrow (2ndCor.7:10) is not proof that they would not reject the Lord’s voice again, once they could escape affliction. This principle is shown powerfully in Steps to Christ:
There are many who fail to understand the true nature of repentance. Multitudes sorrow that they have sinned and even make an outward reformation because they fear that their wrongdoing will bring suffering upon themselves. But this is not repentance in the Bible sense. They lament the suffering rather than the sin. Such was the grief of Esau when he saw that the birthright was lost to him forever. Balaam, terrified by the angel standing in his pathway with drawn sword, acknowledged his guilt lest he should lose his life; but there was no genuine repentance for sin, no conversion of purpose, no abhorrence of evil. Judas Iscariot, after betraying his Lord, exclaimed, "I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood." Matthew 27:4. {SC 23.3}
The confession was forced from his guilty soul by an awful sense of condemnation and a fearful looking for of judgment. The consequences that were to result to him filled him with terror, but there was no deep, heartbreaking grief in his soul, that he had betrayed the spotless Son of God and denied the Holy One of Israel. Pharaoh, when suffering under the judgments of God, acknowledged his sin in order to escape further punishment, but returned to his defiance of Heaven as soon as the plagues were stayed. These all lamented the results of sin, but did not sorrow for the sin itself. {SC 24.1}
And so my appeal is that we analyze the present circumstances as we would the upcoming test of the mark of the beast. We have to be loving, yet wise, discerning, and biblically-principled in our treatment of the various situations before us. When we have consulted inspiration properly on a matter, then we can prayerfully have confidence that we are doing the right thing. Let us make the Word our guidebook like never before. Indeed, more than any other time, we need to be students of the Scriptures to navigate these times.
May God bless you, while we work, wait, watch and pray. AMEN.
Shared with you out of love, in the service of the gospel,
Evangelist C. S. Lawrence.
Jamaica, West Indies.