Beloved of the Faith,
Blessings to you. Indeed I can agree from recent observations and conversations that Australia is becoming the great testing ground as to the extent of tyranny which the rulers of darkness are eager to exercise worldwide. From exorbitant fines, restrictions, and checkpoints, to commissioning large quarantine facilities, to the isolation of the unvaxxed in enclosed mental wards, to the rounding up of children and having them arrested for not being masked, to taking the young away from their parents en route to vaccination centres - there is no limit to which the “authorities” won’t go to destroy the lives of the common people. Much evidence is available through these links online:
And to think that all this is being done for one trifling, ineffective, unnecessary specimen of poison called a “C!9 “accine”, being forced upon everyone over a so-called “virus” which has (to this day over the whole “pandemic”) has never been proven to be scientifically isolated, hence not even scientifically proven to actually exist. If it were not for the sure Word of prophecy, we would think that the whole went mad in the space of 2 years. But we all know it is about Satan and his angels, alongside the kings and merchants of the earth, colluding to wreck humanity who was made in the image of God. At least we can be assured that they will only be able to go so far as prophecy permits, and no more.
While Australia is surely leading the charge by the depth of tyranny the have sought to unleash, the C!9 situation is yet in lockstep internationally. Everywhere now, you will hear of the so-called delta variant (for which there is no testing apparatus whatsoever), and that it supposedly affects the young more than anything else. The “delta” figures are completely made up and the harm to the young is a complete media fabrication. Nevertheless, they are using this drive now to push the vaccine upon the young, and pave the way for C!9 boosters to cover the so-called “variant spread”. Lockdowns are being revived again to isolate people and frustrate the weak-minded and fearful into taking the vax and subjecting their children to it as well. As we speak there are lockdowns in Australia, New Zealand, and my island Jamaica. I am sure that there are many others countries doing the same thing. They are surely coming for the children, and coming with boosters
Thanks be given, that as Scripture Christians we have a hope for the future, built upon the sure Word of prophecy. While the majority of the world dwells in the deception and confusion, we can confidently hold our position against this agenda, knowing that God will preserve His faithful to the prophesied closing events of earth’s history. This may be a daunting and challenging time, yes. But we can know by God’s Word that this is not the end of humanity, and surely not the end for God’s commandment-keeping people. Let us always keep this in mind, and continue to study the Word of inspiration as the guide to navigate these times.
It is my prayer that we walk circumspectly and keep ourselves and our God-fearing loved ones under the shadow of the Almighty during this time. Let us make no rash and anxious moves, but let us be patient, knowing that God is in control of every manoeuvre taking place on either side of the great controversy. Day by day, moment by moment, let us be assured that we are doing the Christian duty right before us, and God will do the rest. All will add up for eternity, as we do what we ought to be faithful. I concur and close with a recent Scripture.
Isaiah 26:20-21 (KJV)>> 20Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast. 21For, behold, the LORD cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.
God bless as we keep in touch. Amen. 🙏
Shared with you out of love, in the service of the gospel,
Evangelist C. S. Lawrence.
Jamaica, West Indies.