Vaccinations and the SDA Church
Dearly Beloved of the Father,
Blessings to you and yours in Christ. In recent times, because of the C!9 overshadowing of human affairs worldwide, wherein most civil authorities are now offering the extremely novel, fast-tracked “vaccines” as the only solution, the question of vaccination has come to the forefront of the minds of the general public. Particularly for Seventh Day Adventists (SDAs), whose foundations lie in the faithful observance of the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy, there should be a clear position on this current vaccination issue. Why a clear position, one may ask? Because there is enough weight of evidence in the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy to show that SDAs should be conscientiously opposed to drug medications in general, worse that of these current DNA-manipulating interventions, administered by direct injection into one’s bloodstream. These are not theories and speculations; if one would take the time to actually read the publicly available C!9 vaccine package inserts, you would see they admit they contain disturbing, genetically altering, genetically modified organisms. As for one plain example, here is a screenshot for the AstraZeneca vaccine insert, for which I highlight clear red lights:
If you would like a concise, Bible-based investigation of the vaccine issue in general, the Christian study book Vaccination: What the Bible Says and What Scientism Admits, may prove to be a timely resource. Especially at this time, it behooves every sincere believer to have a solid biblical interpretation of what vaccination really is and what the Christian response should be.
A Most Dangerous Time for the Ignorant and Indifferent
We should never deceivingly say to ourselves, “Faith is one thing, and science is another,” blissfully wallowing in an ignorance which allows a kind of scientific priesthood to decide what they ought to put into our bodies. Put another way, we would be the most simple-minded of Christians to think that the sciences of finite man deserve our blind trust; that we should consent to give finite science free reign to invade that which is reserved to be the temple of the Holy Ghost. Science, like any other human principle, must be subject to the knowledge which comes from God’s Word; for God is the Creator of everything including the human frame and its properties (Psa.139:13-16). We must have that foundational knowledge before we can consent to any intervention upon our person. For our body is ultimately not our own, and we are bought with a divine price (1stCor.6:19-20). Christ is the “Saviour of the body” (Eph.5:23). And finally, at the end of all things, our treatment of our body will have much to say as to our eternal destiny:
1stCorinthians 3:16-17 (KJV)>> 16Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? 17If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.
2ndCorinthians 5:10 (KJV)>> 10For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.
Therefore we cannot, as Christians, wilfully consent to be sacrificed upon an altar erected by a scientific priest class. That is what we are up against today; and the majority of the world, nay, the majority of Christians, nay, the majority of Seventh Day Adventists, are completely oblivious to the fact.
Most SDAs not being led to understand the Signs of the Times
As a result of this gross darkness covering the world (Isa.60:2), that fact is that, despite the weight of evidence which can be furnished towards conscientious objection to vaccines, there are many in SDA circles who are obscuring the issues to the point of contradiction. From even as high as the Maryland-based General Conference worldwide leadership, to the presidents of conferences, to the heads of ministries, you may hear the supposition that vaccines are safe and effective, that Sis. White herself endorsed and received vaccination, and that all SDAs should feel free to take these novel C!9 vaccines. I can say to you, in light of the true and inspired evidence, that hardly could more perilous misrepresentations be found coming from leaders purporting to be SDA watchmen. Anyone honestly privy to the unclouded weight of evidence should be able to see that the opposite is actually the truth. Do not give any consent to the idea that vaccines are safe and effective (especially these novel C!9 ones), nor that Sis. White endorsed vaccination, nor that you should risk harming the soundness your fearfully and wonderfully made body (the temple of God), to be a subject for these modern experimental inoculations.
What is the weight of evidence surrounding E. G. White and Vaccination?
Specifically, for this exposition, we shall focus on the Sis. White-vaccination issue. Clarity must be made right now, because, as we speak on this very point, irresponsible SDA leaders are mishandling and causing confusion among the flock. The cost could very well be magnanimous down the road ahead, when the effects of the C!9 vaccine experiment become more apparent.
So what do we have, as actual evidence, of what Sis. E. G. White personally said on vaccination? The answer is, absolutely nothing! It might seem almost shocking, but the General Conference spokesmen and others in responsible positions are working with absolutely no evidence from Sis. White’s own pen, when they say she endorsed and received vaccination. Even representatives from the White Estate—the custodians of all Sis. White’s published and unpublished writings—have admitted this, with references dating all the way back to 1915. Evidence from the White Estate archives spanning decades show that the question of vaccination had been agitated multiple times by different enquirers. Here is some of what can be found from White Estate representatives regarding Sis. White and vaccination:
1) “Your letter, addressed to Mrs. Ellen G. White, came to hand several weeks ago. I mentioned the matter to her one day, but was unable to get anything definite.”
{D. E. Robinson, Letter of February 10, 1915 to A. G. Anderson}
2) “You ask for definite and concise information regarding what Sister White of vaccination and serum.
This question can be answered very briefly, for so far as we have any record, she did not refer to them in any of her writings.”
{D. E. Robinson, Letter of June 12, 1931}
3) “On the question of vaccination, we have no direct statement from the pen of Ellen G. White.”
{A. L. White, Letter of January 19, 1956 to Brother Quigley}
4) “I am not absolutely certain whether Ellen G. White was vaccinated or not.”
{A. L. White, Letter of September 17, 1956}
5) “You ask also concerning any counsel Mrs. White may have relative to vaccination, and her attitude towards vaccination. We have nothing from her pen touching the point vaccination.”
{A. L. White, Letter of November, 1964}
From the above correspondence of White Estate representatives, two things should come to the fore for our consideration today. One is that there is nothing in Sis. White’s own writings which speaks specifically on the topic of vaccination. Two is that, there no authenticated evidence that Sis. White was actually vaccinated. Sadly, when there are voices asserting that Sis. White endorsed and received vaccination, these same unreliable assertions are then used to convince others to be vaccinated today. People are using Sis. White’s name for something upon which she gave no specific statement, whether as to her thoughts or actions in dealing with such a matter. By disseminating these claims about Sis. White as being reality – worse at a time when she is not alive to give her own witness – these irresponsible watchmen are engaging in the very things Sis. White rebuked in her published writings:
The cases mentioned will serve to show how little reliance can be placed upon reports concerning what I have done or taught. {5T 694.2}
But I would say to my brethren: Beware how you give credence to such reports. {5T 694.3}
And now to all who have a desire for truth I would say: Do not give credence to unauthenticated reports as to what Sister White has done or said or written. If you desire to know what the Lord has revealed through her, read her published works. Are there any points of interest concerning which she has not written, do not eagerly catch up and report rumors as to what she has said. {5T 696.1}
Therefore, those who are trying to use Ellen White as an inducement to take the C!19 vaccine are in clear violation of the very principles of the Spirit of Prophecy. If Sis. White wrote nothing about the matter, you cannot use the authority of the Spirit of Prophecy to justify a certain course. One may think they are giving respect to Sis. White by such an effort as this, but by such misrepresentation of the Spirit of Prophecy, one is actually violating the Spirit of Prophecy. The best course for anyone to take is to study the Word of God for yourself by the weight of evidence, and then you may know your duty. You cannot rely on some second-hand, anecdotal references, furnished many years after Sis. White’s death, and make such to appear definitive. Instead of being definitive, it is deceptive. And the tragedy here is that this is all being done by blind SDA teachers, which serves to facilitate an agenda rooted in scientism, having direct opposition to faith in the Word of God.
If opinions about Sis. White meant anything then her own son challenges the popular narrative
Nevertheless, the anecdotal assertions sought to prop up Sis. White as a vaccination proponent, still suffer more in the line of credibility. Essentially, the pro-vaccine anecdotal claims find their ultimate root in a single letter from one D. E. Robinson, a then-secretary of the White Estate. It is identified in this exposé as letter number 2 in the White Estate correspondence listed above. Now, this letter from Robinson was written in 1931—that is, 16 years after the death of Sis. White. On the other hand, Sis. White’s own son, William C. White—the closest personal assistant to her ministry after husband James White had passed—produced a letter dated, February 5, 1924. The short letter dealt directly upon the issue of Sis. White and vaccination. Here is a most pertinent extract from the letter:
“I hold in my hand your letter of Jan, 20th asking if I can tell you what the attitude was of Mrs. E. G. White toward vaccination.
She regarded it as a perplexing question. I do not remember of her ever saying or writing that she had special instruction regarding vaccination. In my earlier days she spoke of it as something dangerous and related my own experience. She said that as a child I was perfectly healthy until I was vaccinated and by that my health was much impaired.”
{W. C. White, Letter of February 5, 1924 to Dr. L. C. Kellogg}
Now, given W. C. White’s (Willie’s) testimony about his mother, could any truth-seeking SDA dismiss such evidence, and still presume upon a silent, deceased Sis. White, that she explicitly endorsed vaccination? Certainly, no truth-seeking SDA could reach such a blind-sided conclusion. If, according to her son, Sis. White regarded vaccination as a, “perplexing question”, “spoke of it as something dangerous”, and believed it was the cause through which Willie’s “health was much impaired”, how can we still turn around and assert that Sis. White was some exemplary vaccination advocate? At the very least, all who are honest must confess that there is no unanimous testimony, even among the second-hand sources who gave their views of Sis. White on this issue. While Willie’s testimony should logically be the most esteemed among these secondary sources (given his relation to Sis. White and the date of the letter), in the final analysis of these secondary sources, probably the only agreement to be found is that expressed in this statement from Willie’s letter (as the other letters listed above say similarly): “I do not remember of her ever saying or writing that she had special instruction regarding vaccination.”
Whatever anyone may surmise as to what Sis. White did or allowed others to do, all being honest must admit that her own public silence on the matter of vaccination forbids anyone to make conclusive statements which invoke her authority. It should be certain from the evidence seen that she had no clear light on the matter, and stood on the same ground as any of us, with the need to search the Scriptures for increased light. The weight of evidence from the Word of God provides our surest avenue to know the perfect will of God concerning this perplexing time.
And so, the appeals go forth to every searching soul: Study to show yourself approved unto God (2ndTim.2:15). Study what? The Holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus (2ndTim.3:16). You cannot take the word of the General Conference, your local church leader, your favourite speaker, or any other person, as a substitute for clarifying this matter of vaccination via scriptural study. And you now know for sure that you cannot use Sis. White as a spiritual shortcut to determine your course. She had no easy digestible quotation on this matter, requiring little effort on our part. Everyone has to go to the Scriptures for themselves and be persuaded in their own minds. And as God’s is true, and the promises of His Word are not yea and nay, but yea and Amen in Christ Jesus (2ndCor.1:18-20), you will find only one conclusion coming out from the Scriptures. It does not support vaccination, nor the current C!19 vaccine agenda.
May God bless you as you seek to make these impending decisions upon no other authority but on the Word of God. AMEN.
Shared with you out of love, in the service of the gospel,
Evangelist C. S. Lawrence.
Jamaica, West Indies.
P.S. - Informative Links to the above Subject Matter
Ellen White's son damaged by vaccines! Archived letter published by Official EGW Estate
The Truth about Ellen White getting Smallpox Vaccination. 1931 Letter of D.E. Robinson
COVID-19 Vaccines: Addressing Concerns, Offering Counsel (SDA General Conference Response)
SDA General Conference Official Statement on Immunization
SDA General Conference Health Ministries Director, Dr. Peter Landless, affirms he will take the covid-19 vaccine
Why is Jesus Our Ultimate Vaccine for Sin? - Pastor Mark Finley
Coronavirus Vaccine - Official Statement from Pastor Stephen Bohr
Facebook Message from President of the SDA Church in Jamaica, Pastor Everett Brown, on receiving the Covid-19 Vaccine
SDA Evangelist: Vaccine & 5G Will Make You an Automaton
Covid-19 Vaccine [] To Take or Not To Take??? (South Caribbean Conference of SDAs)
NewsPoints ON THE AIR - Episode 09: Taking the COVID-19 Vaccine feat. Dr. Steven Smith (North American Division of SDAs)
Ask the Doctors: Where do Adventists Stand on the Vaccine?
Adventist Health employees receive COVID-19 vaccine
Adventist Health’s new mobile clinic bringing COVID-19 vaccines, health care to Kern County community