Multiple Alerts on the C!9 Front


Multiple Alerts on the C!9 Front


Dearly Beloved of the Father,

Blessings in Christ. Because many informative developments have been coming out in quick succession, I would like to itemize a few notable ones on the C19 front in this email. 

Update on the C-jab Magnetic Arm Phenomenon

The reality of the C-jabbed becoming magnetized and metallized is continuing to make the rounds on the internet. The awareness is growing exponentially around the world. Despite the efforts of the “fact-checkers”, the phenomenon is growing into a popular video challenge. Though it is sad, we should at least be grateful that many people can now admit by direct observation that some magnetic, metallic, nano-technology was placed into their bodies. At least now, all can readily observe that something more than a “vaccine” is being injected under this worldwide agenda. With all the tragedy that this may involve, at least this insidious intervention is no longer sneakily concealed; it is a publicly observable phenomenon. Sadly too, I can also now confirm that it is not only the official mRNA jabs, Pfizer and Moderna, that have these magnetic effects. All the current, WHO-backed C-Jab delivery systems—Johnson and Johnson, AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Moderna—whether mRNA or viral vector, have shown evidence of the magnetic, metallic phenomenon. I realized this as I researched because different people exhibiting the magnetic arm described the type of C-jab they received. The only outstanding one I wasn’t sure about was AstraZeneca - and that was until I saw a magnetic arm challenge which was recorded from my homeland Jamaica. I could tell by the language and norms that it was indeed Jamaican. And because I know thus far that Jamaica has only received doses of AstraZeneca, I realized for a fact that this nano-technology—which Melinda Gates laughingly proclaimed doesn’t even exist—is in every main brand promoted as a C-vax today.

The Bill and Melinda Gates video above with Forbes (right at the end) should be textbook instruction for how to spot the most facetious of liars. Never mind the awkward, masculine-looking features of the “wife” of the “world’s most powerful doctor”; that giggle with the hands thrown in the air is a most priceless demonstration of the word “guilty”. Ms. Melinda’s statements were at an utter failure to convince anyone of sensible discernment. It looked like a joke from out of the most satirical film you’ve ever seen. Crazily, it is real life today. It would be clever if someone did a video placing her on-camera statement, “That technology doesn’t even exist,” alongside all these videos of magnetized arms. But I digress.

The Jamaican magnetic arm clip is the first up in what is now a 1-hour long compilation updated from Tim Truth, titled the “MagnetGate Documentary”. The magnet arm videos just keep piling up! There is one where the magnet sticks to a lump on the lady’s neck. And another where a man says he can’t feel any sensation in the injection site other than when he attaches the magnet. And yet another where a man uses a metal/inorganic substance detector which bleeps loudly exactly when the detector crosses the injection site. (Please note that because the vast number of victims are worldlings, and the content is raw, there may be some inappropriate language and content for which your discretion is advised). Above everything else, I pray that these evidences might serve as a greater exposure to the deception which has been taking place, forcing more people to take a right stand which could turn the tide of the agenda. Here is the shareable link below:

Western Australia Public Health Act admits COVID-19 VACCINE is a POISON

Beloved, you cannot make this stuff up. Surprisingly, I learnt this information over the weekend on a Jamaican SDA Zoom meeting concerning C19 information awareness. While these were Jamaican Union Conference affiliates, and while they took an official approach of not taking a position for or against the C-vax (which I thought was lukewarm and cowardly), I was yet glad that some were at least aware of the deception which was going on internationally. But this is the Western Australia link which was brought to light:

Here is a screenshot of the page, showing the very words of WA’s Public Health Act of 2016, giving the government’s ADF “authorisation to supply or administer a poison”:


You can download the actual document as well:

Can it really get more surreal than this? That the poisons, the pharmakeia, the drugs, the sorceries of Babylon (Rev.18:23) are deceiving all the nations’ citizens through the “COVID-19 vaccine”? I have to say the nations’ citizens because it is clear that the heads of nations must be culpably aware of what they are doing. While a gullible, lazy citizenry is being deceived that this is some life-saving, humanitarian effort, those in responsible positions know that they are administering a poison. Unbelievable! Prophecy fulfilling before our very eyes! Once again, we are brought back to John the Beloved’s startling, inspired declaration:   

Revelation 18:23-24 (KJV)>> 23 . . .[F]or thy[Babylon’s] merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy[Babylon’s] sorceries were all nations deceived. 


There is so much more which can be said in all this C19 controversy. Like the fact that mainstream science has already admitted that COVID-19 vaccines may sensitise vaccine recipients to more severe disease than if they were not vaccinated. Or the fact that in the last 4 months alone, VAERS has received over 40% of all death reports it has ever received in its entire 30+year history. But essentially, the world will not do anything until overwhelming damage is done, and it becomes nigh impossible to censor the reality. It is just like many of the C-jab magnetic arm recipients, who, though they can see that a most invasive, uncharted, uninformed procedure was performed upon them, they are blissfully going on with their very lives as if nothing happened. Even when their associates are calling them chipped. Even when they have no clue of what could possibly be happening inside them. Even when a magnetic field is stuck in their arms, which could react with so many dangerous things in our world today. Even with all that and more, they are laughing, prancing and dancing about, completely oblivious to the enormity of the situation. Only the sure, eventual result of these poisons—sickness and death—may prove to scare any out of this nonchalant intoxication. And probably by then, it may be too late. Indeed, it could be too late already. I will close these thoughts here, with the solemn, instructive words of apostle Paul:

1stThessalonians 5:3-6 (KJV)>> 3For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. 4But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. 5Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. 6Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.

May the Lord bless you as we keep in touch. Amen.

Shared with you out of love, in the service of the gospel,


Evangelist C. S. Lawrence.
Jamaica, West Indies.