Only By Pride

Only by pride cometh contention: but with the well advised is wisdom. Proverbs 13:10  

Until recent history, western civilisation viewed pride primarily in a negative sense. Yet in the post-Christian society of the 21st century, pride is promoted as worthy of celebration. Education, religion, lifestyle, houses, vehicles, clothing, and the body itself are shamelessly flaunted as objects of virtue. And with the swipe of a finger, these ministers of pride may be instantly indulged through social media.

Sadly, the commonplace nature of pride has desensitised even the body of Christ to its abhorrent sinfulness. However, no sin is more opposed to the character of God and the harmony of His creation than pride. It was by pride that contention and apostasy appeared within the angelic congregation, and this same sin is the source of all schism and strife in the congregation below. In his letter to Timothy, Paul alludes to the fact that it was pride that caused Satan’s condemnation. As such, Paul warns Timothy not to promote the inexperienced to positions of leadership:

Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil.
1 Timothy 3:6.

Such imprudent promotions are geared to inflame the pride of even an honest man, spurring him on in the path of the great apostate.

Solomon rightly relays that it is only by pride that contention arises. Truly, pride is the reason why any difference of opinion snowballs into a heated disagreement. Just as budding pride drives a juvenile to resist the instruction of his parent, it is pride that drives a man to tenaciously defend unchristian conduct or an erroneous doctrinal position. While misunderstandings of Bible passages or rules of conduct will always arise, in the absence of pride, such things find resolution.

In fact, ‘the well advised’ become so after dispensing of the insidious hinderance of pride. Because of their humility, such are able to let go of old ways and preconceived opinions. Thus they enable themselves to be advised through the various instruments God uses. If this wisdom were enshrined in every human heart, bitter contention would vanish from the earth.

Christopher Sparks