It cannot be said that prior to man’s fall, Adam and Eve were wholly ignorant of the existence of evil. Had they not been told that death would be the punishment for eating the forbidden fruit?…
I Make Peace, and Create Evil
Fables and Endless Genealogies
The enemy utilises a variety of means to destabilise and fracture Christ’s church. His more overt attacks upon the truth appear in the form of false doctrines such as a triune god or Sunday sacredness. Yet the serpent – who was more subtle than any beast of the field – often takes a less direct approach to great success…
The Doctrine of the Nicolaitans
The word ‘Maranatha’ is Aramaic and means ‘our Lord cometh’. ‘Maranatha’ appears only once in the entire Bible, and is often used by Christians as a cordial salutation. While the other salutations surrounding verse 22 are wholly joyful, the salutation of ‘Maranatha’ is, upon contextual examination, one of great solemnity…
The Sons of God
Grounded and Settled
To Him that Stretched out the Earth
The Purpose of His Manifestation
There exists in the world today countless divergences from the faith once delivered unto the saints. And the ultimate reason why these other gospels exist is because men love the world and its sin. To avoid conflict with worldly wisdom, literal truth has been substituted for allegorical interpretation…
To Answer or Answer Not?
The Narrow Way
Moved by the Holy Ghost
Declaring the End from the Beginning
The true and only God – in the true sense of the title – declares that there is none else like Himself. To substantiate the fact that He is unrivalled by all so-called gods, the Almighty directs us to ‘remember the former things of old’ (Isaiah 46:9). In this context, God’s dealings of deliverance and His executions of justice are the things foremost indicated…
Whom the LORD Loveth, He Correcteth
Knowest Thou the Ordinances of Heaven?
The Offence of the Cross
Unstable as Water
The Lord Made the Heavens
The fact that ‘the LORD made the heavens’ sets him apart from all false gods. It goes without saying that the dumb idols of the heathen could not make anything, as they had to be made themselves. By ‘the heavens’, David indicates the firmament, as such is the primary feature of the sky, being ‘made’ on the second day of creation…
Garments of Salvation
Before the fall of our first parents, ‘they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed’ (Genesis 2:25). The holy pair wore no fabricated garments. But even though they were innocent, it nevertheless seems out of place for them to have been naked in the sense that we would be if we lacked clothing…