

The word ‘Maranatha’ is Aramaic and means ‘our Lord cometh’. ‘Maranatha’ appears only once in the entire Bible, and is often used by Christians as a cordial salutation. While the other salutations surrounding verse 22 are wholly joyful, the salutation of ‘Maranatha’ is, upon contextual examination, one of great solemnity…

The Lord Made the Heavens

The Lord Made the Heavens

The fact that ‘the LORD made the heavens’ sets him apart from all false gods. It goes without saying that the dumb idols of the heathen could not make anything, as they had to be made themselves. By ‘the heavens’, David indicates the firmament, as such is the primary feature of the sky, being ‘made’ on the second day of creation…

Garments of Salvation

Garments of Salvation

Before the fall of our first parents, ‘they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed’ (Genesis 2:25). The holy pair wore no fabricated garments. But even though they were innocent, it nevertheless seems out of place for them to have been naked in the sense that we would be if we lacked clothing…