In Europe, USA, Australia, and elsewhere, digital ID laws are in the process of being approved by those claiming to represent the interests of the people. And as always, the thin edge of the wedge of oppression is adorned with moderation and benignity. But those who understand Bible prophecy are not blind to the movements and intentions of ‘the prince of the power of the air’…
He Hangeth the Earth Upon Nothing
One correct understanding of Scripture is often the key to understanding another portion. For example, recognising that the spirit, or soul, is not immortal annihilates the deception that the sinner will burn forever in hell. By the same token, one erroneous understanding of the Bible will deny you the keys to understanding many other verses…
He Stretcheth Out the North Over the Empty Place
Mark Them Which Cause Divisions
Christ Our Passover is Sacrificed For Us
In the 5th chapter of Corinthians, Paul makes plain some of the deeper truths taught to God’s people through the Paschal Supper and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. In Exodus chapter 12, the Lord gave instructions to the children of Israel regarding the keeping of these two connected feasts. One such instruction was in regards to leaven…
Lay Hands Suddenly on No Man
He Could There Do No Mighty Work
It is Time for Thee, Lord, to Work
Since they do ‘not like to retain God in their knowledge’, the world chooses to mark eras by man’s purported advancements. According to profane ancient history, eras are delineated by technological knowledge. For example, it is claimed that the ‘stone age’ ended in 3000 BC, giving way to the ‘bronze age’…
Those Things Which Are Revealed
Man’s innate desire for knowledge is irrepressible, and is exercised by all men and women in one way or another. This wonderful faculty of man’s being was placed there by his Creator, so that he may ‘find the knowledge of God’ (Proverbs 2:5). The touchstone of all knowledge – be it scientific, historic, or moral – is the word of God…
Even as a Weaned Child
While there are exceptions, children are far from quiet during the process of weaning. When deprived of the source of comfort and sustenance they have enjoyed since birth, children are fretful, and may at times exhibit loud temper tantrums. Yet while the grown man often thinks evil of others as a result of losses to himself, the child does not harbour resentment against his mother…
The Blood Found in Babylon
When a killer shark or some other man-eating beast is captured, its stomach is dissected to recover the victims it has eaten. In a similar manner, ‘great Babylon’ will disclose her victims at the end of the world. And when she is ‘thrown down’, it will not be merely the blood of those beheaded for the witness of Jesus in the last days that are found inside her…
Chief of Sinners
While Peter and James ministered to the Jews, it was through the work performed by the Apostle Paul, ‘the minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles’, that the rest of the world were introduced to the gospel (Romans 15:16). Including Hebrews, Paul wrote fourteen of the twenty-seven books of the New Testament, furnishing the church with some of the deepest advancements of New Testament theology. But Paul was not always working on the side of Christ…
Hating Every False Way
Render Unto Caesar
The Beginning of Wisdom
Fear is often rightfully seen in a negative light. When the slothful servant rendered an account to his lord, he betrayed that his failure was fear-based, saying: ‘I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth’ (Matthew 25:25). The persons represented by this parable are indeed afraid of God…