Over the course of a long 175 years, Abraham was blessed in everything he undertook. He obtained great wealth as a shepherd and cattleman. He was distinguished for valour when called to take up sword against four kings who had taken Lot prisoner. But neither his diligent thrift nor gallant swordsmanship were the subjects of compliment by Jehovah...
Lead Us Not Into Temptation
Do Christians Need to Keep the Commandments?
I Come Quickly
A Good Name
An Eye For an Eye
In an attempt to incite sedition against Heaven, the schools of higher criticism have attempted to point out contractions within holy writ. Seizing upon the spiritual teachings given in the sermon on the mount, such make out that the teachings of the New Testament are at variance with that of the Old. Arguably, the most commonly used hook that cavillers use to hang their doubting hats upon is Mathew 5:38...
Beware of Wandering Stars
The short but powerful epistle of Jude is a warning concerning false teachers. According to Jude, ‘certain men crept in unawares’ to the apostolic church – men who were seeking to corrupt ‘the faith which was once delivered unto the saints’ (Jude 3-4). In verse 13, Jude compares these deceivers to ‘wandering stars’...
He Knoweth the Way That I Take
He That Worketh Deceit Shall Not Dwell Within My House
Only By Pride
Until recent history, western civilisation viewed pride primarily in a negative sense. Yet in the post-Christian society of the 21st century, pride is promoted as worthy of celebration. Education, religion, lifestyle, houses, vehicles, clothing, and the body itself are shamelessly flaunted as objects of virtue…
The Firstborn of Every Creature
In Every Thing Give Thanks
A More Excellent Sacrifice
The Beginning of Knowledge
The term ‘philosopher’ means ‘lover of wisdom’, and is believed to have been coined by the Greek sage Pythagoras. From the 5th century BC, Pythagoras compassed land and sea in search of learning. Over the course of decades, this prodigious architect of Mystery Babylon attended the most revered Eastern mystery schools of his age, treasuring up arcane knowledge from the feet of Babylonian and Egyptian magi…
Remember Now Thy Creator
According to rabbinic tradition, Ecclesiastes was written by Solomon in his old age. Throughout the book, ‘the preacher’, as King Solomon refers to himself, confesses the toilsome folly which had marked his life. Yet this most wise (and often foolish) mortal man leaves his most solemn appeal in the book's final chapter, which was likely written shortly before his death…
Resist the devil, and he will Flee From You
A world champion wrestler could hardly resist the death roll of a saltwater crocodile. Nor is the arm of the burliest powerlifter a match for the slashing claws of a frenzied polar bear. Yet as formidable as these predators are, their strength pales before the animal kingdom’s ultimate apex predator – Leviathan – of whom the Lord declares: ‘Upon earth there is not his like, who is made without fear’ (Job 41:33)…
New Bottles for New Wine
Agree With Thine Adversary Quickly
Labourers Together With God
A heart regenerated by divine grace will readily discern light, no matter the instrument God chooses to speak through. But those who reject light because it comes not from a favoured mouth give evidence that they cannot discern the voice of God. Such was the condition of the church in Corinth, and Paul did not mince his words when revealing this fault to them…
Blessed Are They That Have Not Seen, And Yet Have Believed
Along with the rest of the disciples, Thomas was overcome with grief at the crucifixion and death of his Lord. But unlike his brethren, Thomas had not the privilege of seeing his resurrected Lord in the flesh on that Sunday morning. When the good news reached his ears, Thomas refused to be cheered by this heaven-sent ray of sunshine…